Frequently Asked Questions


+ How long do online therapy appointments last?

Your online therapy session will be via video call, and will last one full hour rather then the standard 55 minute 'therapy hour'.

+ How long will I wait for an online therapy appointment?

Provided I am currently taking on clients, I can usually offer you an online therapy appointment within a week of you getting in touch, often within 48 hours.

I regret that I do not maintain a waiting list, sometimes it is difficult to predict when an appointment slot will come free and if someone needs to talk it is usually best not to keep them waiting.

I am always happy to recommend a colleague who fits your stated needs if I am full.

+ Is online therapy confidential?

Online treatment is covered by professional ethical standards and confidentiality, the same as face to face sessions.

For full details on the confidentiality rules I have and adhere to, see the Prices and Terms page by clicking the link in the page footer.

For my online treatment, UK laws are prevalent.

+ How do I know if online therapy is for me?

When you have your first session, I will answer any questions you have about psychotherapy and counselling. I'll ask you for some details about what you want to achieve and how you're feeling and managing at the moment.

Our initial talk will be an assessment on both sides. I will decide if I have the necessary skills and experience to be of help, and you can make your initial judgement on if you feel ok to continue. If you do, then I usually suggest we book a couple more sessions and then ask the question again, is this right for you, if so we can continue.

If I don't consider that I am right for you, or that another therapist can provide a better treatment than I in a particular area, then I will always say, this is not a rejection, it is a focus on what may be best for you. After 22 years, I am pretty good at telling if we may be a good match.

+ What will happen during my therapy session?

To start, we will establish that you are in a private environment and free from interruption. Then we will check that we both have an understanding of the technology we are using to talk and how to keep it secure (unless you are already familiar with this).

Your first appointment is an 'assessment' session. Each initial session is different, but there are certain constants; you'll meet me face to face via Skype, FaceTime or Zoom, and we will discuss your requirements in detail. I'll gain details to help me understand you better and will then decide between us the right approach or direction for you to take. By the finish, we will have agreed what steps are best to take ongoing.

+ How do I set up my therapy video call?

It's pretty straightforward to have online therapy via Skype, Face Time, WhatsApp or Zoom, most people are now familiar with online communication, especially since the onset of COVID-19.

I am always happy to spend a few minutes talking you through how to set up a video call or send over links to the various video communication software.

+ How Can Counselling or Therapy Help?

The process involved in therapy is unique to you. It helps you to identify any problems or concerns you have and understand how they may affect your life.

Many of my clients resolve not only immediate concerns they may have, but also gain useful skills for dealing with future life challenges. I can provide a range of approaches to help you change repeated or unhelpful feelings, thinking patterns or behaviours, and develop a different outlook on life.

Each treatment should be geared towards your individual needs and goals, but here is a list of typical ways psychotherapy and counselling may be of use:

· Learn new ways to deal with things

· Gain tools for continuing learning

· To be able to recognise future warning signs and learn what to do about them

· Increased awareness of self and needs

· Potentially better-coping skills to face life's challenges

· Better internal emotional support

· Improving self-esteem

· Acceptance of yourself

· A more measured approach to life

· Increased flexibility in responding to changing circumstances

· If desired, a better ability to be close to others

The above is not a comprehensive list; it is designed to provoke thought about psychological health and well-being.

Emotional and mental good health does not come about by accident. It is becoming more accepted now that, as with physical health, we need to work to maintain our emotional and psychological well-being.

Therapy sessions can help with these challenges, especially when we become stuck and struggle to move forward.

(Adapted from original text published April 20, 2018 by Peter Banczyk on the Liverpool Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy website).

+ What happens if I try online therapy and decide it is not for me?

It is important that you receive a service that benefits you and helps you achieve your goals, and if you decide that it is not for you, then we can discuss what options may be best.

If you choose to end sessions, then all you have to do is let me know, appointments are booked one at a time, and you do not have to commit to any minimum number.

+ What happens if I need to cancel an appointment?

If you need to cancel your online therapy appointment with me for any reason, please get in touch 24 hours before your appointment is due to start.

If you cancel less than 24-hours before, you'll still be charged the full session fee.

Do you have a question that’s not here? Please get in touch.